Labcorp Job Application

The online Labcorp job application is available via the company’s careers page. Follow the links posted on this page (near the top of the page/in the instructional guide) to go to the company’s employment page. When you open the company’s employment portal you will be able to search for current job openings, register for an online account, and fill out/submit applications for any job openings that you want to apply for.

  • About the Company: Labcorp is an American lab services company based out of North Carolina. It operates one of the largest medical laboratory service networks in the world.

Apply Online

Step 1 – The first step of the company’s online job search process is to load their jobs homepage in a separate browser tab/window.

Step 2 – Press this link– to have the homepage open in a new tab or window within your current internet application.

Step 3 – On the homepage, click the “Careers” link near the top of the page.

Step 4 – Scroll down the page until you come to the search form. Fill in the search form with the following details:

  • keyword
  • job title
  • category
  • location
  • AND
  • click the “Search” button to load the list of current openings

Step 5 – If you see a position that matches your interests click its link to learn more about it.

Step 6 – On the job description page there will be an “apply” button/link. Click it to be taken to the next step of the process.

Step 7 – After you have logged in/made an account you will start the main application process.

Step 8 – Submit any/all required details into the application form until the process has been completed.

